Atlantic Shuttle Services
Meagher's Grant, N.S.

Date: May 15, 2001
To: Parachute Enterprises
Re: The Fitch Fuel Catalyst

     I operate a shuttle service between Halifax, Yarmouth and Sydney, Nova Scotia, using a 1995 Plymouth Voyager. The van has a six cylinder engine, 3 litre, and an automatic transmission. Like many people I was skeptical about the claims made by the Fitch product, but since it has a guarantee of "satisfaction or money back within 90 days", I tried it.

     The Fitch has done everything it claimed, including increasing my mileage by an average of about 120 km per tank. I am so impressed I have installed a Fitch in my 1995 Neon, the family car, and I am considering one for my 1964 VW Bug. The Fitch is a good product and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to save money on fuel and engine maintenance in these times of rising prices.

                                                                                          Thanks again!!
                                                                                           Winston Duffney

P.S. I'm convinced!

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