305 ci, all stock

Lester Johnston
1834 Crowell Rd.
East Lawrencetown
Ph: 902-837-3432 Nova Scotia
Oct 5, 2001

To: Ralph Armstrong
Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

     This car sat for two years with gas in it. When I purchased it, it would start and idle but it wouldn't take gas or move at all. Five days idling, fifteen minutes per day with a F6T Fitch installed in the tank and I drove it 2 miles. It quit five times but I continued to drive it more every day. The gas mileage then went from 14.5 mpg to 19.5mpg average. After installing two more bullets in Sept my gas pedal response changed completely. Very sharp and "right there". I also average 20.5 mpg now on regular gas. I could go on and on but suffice to say this product does it all. It is on everything at my house including my furnance. More on furnance later after testing. Buy this product for everything, you can't lose!

                                                                                          Yours Truly

                                                                                                             Lester Johnston

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