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Information about the H0-UL5 and H0-UL10 Heating Units

Q # 1 –Are savings been shown by using the heating units?

Answer - Yes, we are producing more than the guaranteed 10% savings. Currently we are averaging just over 20% reduction in fuel savings from the better, more complete combustion. The nozzle reduction is an inverse relationship to the increase in stack temperature. The more stack temp rises, the more we can downsize the nozzle, for greater fuel savings. That is generally speaking, every 20 degrees increase in stack temperature will allow us to reduce the nozzle down another size.

20 degrees is required to achieve a 10% decrease
30 - 40 degrees, reduce to the next nozzle size
40-- 50 degrees the next size
60 + degrees increase in stack temperature will usually allow a 20 to 25% reduction.
*Note: The fastest and easiest heating system to measure is a Hot Air Furnace, Boilers just take longer.

Q # 2 – What is the life expectancy of the units?

Answer - The actual useful life of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst is unlimited* if the catalyst is clean periodically. The manufacturer has the expected life of a residential HO - UL5, or the HO - UL10 as 10,000 hrs, or 8 - 10 years, depending heating or hot water requirements.
* Note: - A CATALYST is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent change.

Q # 3 –Can the units be serviced?

Answer - Cleaning of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst will allow the catalyst to produce a chemical reaction. If the fuel oil filter is doing its job the catalyst will perform as expected. If however, the fuel filter does not do its job, the catalyst may be impeded from its maximum performance and would be well served to be cleaned. Dawn dish detergent (degreaser) could be used to clean the catalyst, then rinsed and air dried. No, household residents should not perform this cleaning task. It should be checked during the annual clean and tune up procedure, by a licensed technician.
*Note: The Fitch Fuel Catalyst has been installed (and performing as expected) in the field for as long as ten years without a problem. We suggest that the service technician have additional Fitch units in stock on their service trucks to clean and recycle on a periodic basis.

Q # 4 – Will the use of these units lower emissions?

Answer - The cleaner more complete combustion will also reduces all related emissions in the combustion of #2 fuel oil. Every 100 gallons of #2 fuel oil we save with Fitch, will reduce the CO2 emissions by one (1) metric ton (not emitted into the atmosphere).








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